Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Health Consequences of Excess Weight Gain

Is your weight gain out of control? Don’t think that you can go on like you have been without making any kind of lifestyle changes. Obesity has a disastrous effect on your health.

Here is a brief rundown of the health consequences that can result from carrying around excess weight.

1. Carrying around excess body fat will decrease your energy levels because you become needlessly heavy. Having just 10 lbs. of excess body fat is like carrying around a 10 lb. bag of lard. You will feel dragged out, weak and less like exercising.

2. Your heart has to work overtime to support the extra weight. Obesity has a harmful effect on your entire cardiovascular system. Your cardiovascular system includes your heart, your lungs, and all of your arteries and veins.

3. You may develop breathing problems. For example, sleep apnea is a breathing problem that causes you to stop inhaling or exhaling for long enough that you can actually accidentally suffocate to death.

4. You can become sleep deprived from having to sleep in a way that accommodates your excess fat. This can affect your posture and cause leg and back pain.

5. Obesity can cause infertility. If you are trying to have a baby but can’t stepping on the scales might give you a clue as to the reason you can’t conceive.

6. Type 2 Diabetes has been linked to obesity so if you want to lower your risk of getting this disorder then try shedding some pounds.

7. Extra weight will put you at a higher risk for certain types of cancer. Obese men have a higher risk of developing colon, rectum, or prostate cancer. Obese women have a higher risk of developing gallbladder, breast, uterine, cervical, or ovarian cancer.

8. Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risks of gall bladder disease, incontinence, increased surgical risk, and depression.

9. Obesity can affect the quality of life through limited mobility and decreased physical endurance as well as through social, academic, and job discrimination.

10.  Being overweight may have an effect on your self-esteem that, in turn, will have a negative effect on your overall health.

These are only some of the consequences of not shedding those excess pounds.  In the long run being overweight is absurdly expensive both to your morale and to your pocketbook.  That is why it is a good idea to embark on a natural weight loss regimen now.

 article from book : Losing Weight Natures Way. bugaboung site

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