Saturday, September 22, 2018

Tips on Fasting for Natural Weight Loss

Are you thinking of doing a fast to lose weight?  Before you embark on this more drastic form of detoxification (that can lead immediately to weight loss) there are a couple of things you should know.

First of all the results that you end up with could greatly depend on the length of your fast.

•    A three day fast helps rid of the body of toxins and cleanses the blood

•    A five day fast jump starts the process of healing and rebuilds the immune system

•    A ten day fast really helps you shed the pounds and fight off illness

So if you really want to lose weight naturally and keep it off then you should do a ten day fast.

The ten day fast can be a long haul so here are some tips for getting through it with relatively little discomfort--

1.  Don’t fast on water alone as that will give you headaches.

2. If you are going to do the ten day fast then consult a physician first to see if it is right for you.

3. To prepare for a fast eat only raw vegetable for a few days before starting it. This will make the starvation aspect of the fast less of a shock to the system.

4. Drink at least eight eight ounce glasses of steam distilled water a day and add another four servings of herbal tea a day.

5. It is easier to drink juices during a fast if you dilute it. One part water to three parts juice is ideal for reducing the number of calories that you take in during the fast.

6. Do not drink orange or tomato juice during a fast as these juices are hard on an empty stomach.

7. Avoid all juices made with sweeteners and other additives (like cranberry cocktail.)

8. The very best juices to use for a fast are fresh apple, beet, cabbage carrot, grape and celery juices.

9. If you do have stomach upset or ulcer like symptoms during a fast then try adding cabbage juice to the equation.

10. Herbal teas like burdock chamomile, dandelion, milk, clover and rose hips can help support liver cleansing and fat loss during your fast.

11. If you absolutely cannot stand being hungry then try eating a piece of watermelon.

12. Take a fiber supplement on a daily basis before and after your fast but not during your fast.

Doing a fast to take care of your weight problem can also reduce your likelihood of developing other disorders like joint pain, lower back pain and heart disease.

article from book : Losing Weight Natures Way. bugaboung site

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