Saturday, October 27, 2018

Which Weight Loss Diet?

Diet and Weight Loss - Consideration

When most people consider a diet or weight loss program, they always want to lose weight fast. Being on a diet or weight loss program and trying to lose weight fast is not a great idea, and is not very good for your body. It is not like pumping gasoline (petrol) where you can just pump out a few gallons of fat and you are instantly thin. Your body is a little bit more complex than that. Although you may want to lose the weight fast from your diet or weight loss program, it is not very good for your body.

Most of us understand that while on a diet or weight loss program, to lose weight we have to burn more calories than we take in. A pound of fat contains around 3,500 calories, but what is a calorie exactly? A calorie is a scientific unit of energy. This is calculated by a unit of energy equal to the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram or one milliliter of water by one degree Centigrade. So if you took one pound of fat and set it one fire under a pan of water, you could heat up 3,500 milliliters one degree Centigrade. Another option would be to heat up 100 milliliters of water 35 degrees Centigrade. Either way the same amount of energy is used.

Diet and Weight Loss - calories

Now some of these diet and weight loss programs out there claim you can lose three to four pounds of fat each week. That would equate to some where in the region of 14,000 calories each week you would have to burn on your diet or weight loss program.

I am not saying that is impossible, but it is around 2,000 calories a day you have to burn while on your diet or weight loss program. That is a very high amount of calories to burn each and every day when starting out with any diet or weight loss program. When you start a diet or weight loss program, you are in some ways teaching your body to accept a new set of codes to be able to lose weight. Look at it this way, for or years you have followed a set of codes or eating habits and routines that have lead you to gain weight. Your new diet or weight loss program is going to teach you a new set of codes, but first we have to understand the old ones.

These methods are set in your system as hard code for your body to follow. You see you have spent day in day out, year after year teaching your body to respond to these codes. We are all creatures of habit, and so live our life by a set path each and every day. Think about how you start your day each and every morning. You will find you normally start it the same way over and over. Well that is what your body does with the food you eat.

Diet and Weight Loss - Repetition

You probably do all the same things in the same order because your brain has been trained that way. That is why you can be still half asleep and get ready for work with out thinking about it. Now try just once to change the order you do your morning routine in and I guarantee you will forget to do something. The reason you do forget is because your body and brain have been trained to do things in a set order. When you skip a step the brain automatically picks up on the next step and completes the rest of the tasks it has to do in the order it was trained.

The same principles apply when eating. We all tend to follow a set regime of habits when we eat or snack. Let's take a bottle of pop for example, you probably drink the same flavor every time and you drink it at the same time each day. This is because your body is used to having that pop at that time. It has set a mental clock to have that liquid sugar at that time, because its habit and your body respond to habits. Think about all the junk food you consume and the times when you consume it. Once you start to recognize the patterns you can start to change them. When starting your diet or weight loss program don't rush out and change every thing over night as your body will not adapt to that very well and you will soon find your self back in your old way and probably consuming more junk food because of it.

Try to write down every day for a week everything you eat and drink. Then start to replace items within that list slowly with healthier alternatives from your diet or weight loss program. For example that pop that you drink every day, replace it with water or an herbal tea. After several days of replacement start on another item. You will be surprised at how quickly you can change your whole eating habits to a healthier set. Just remember that your body is still going to try to get the sugars you are taking away from some other part of your diet. Do not fall for it, remind yourself that you don't need that sugar and can get better sugar from natural products that do not cause you to gain weight. Sugars come from all sorts of good products like honey or fruit. These natural sugars will burn up faster and save you from gaining weight, which is what you are trying to do while on any diet or weight loss program.

So starting your diet or weight loss program should be gradual. While you are starting to read up on your diet and what you need to do, make good use of this time by exchanging bad eating habits for good ones. That way when you start your diet or weight loss program you will be less likely to crave some of your old foods. You will have trained your body to expect the new food stuffs instead which is good for your new diet or weight loss program.

Diet and Weight Loss - Walk the Walk

Always incorporate exercise into your diet or weight loss program. This is a big must do, even if it is only walking for 30 minutes twice a day. Using your muscles will burn more fat and help you build a leaner body. While on your diet or weight loss program don't fall for the old scales are not going down syndrome. It is very possible that you are getting thinner each and every day but your weight is not changing. In some cases I have seen people gain weight but lose dress sizes while on a diet or weight loss program. This is because as you learn to exercise, your muscles begin to reshape. Muscle is very, very dense and takes up less room than fat, which is bulky. So as your body gains more natural muscle back you start to shrink in size but do not lose weight, which is discouraging when on a diet or weight loss program.

When on your diet or weight loss program, combine weighing and measuring to keep an accurate record of your changes. As you exercise more your body fat will lower but your weight may not. It is a good thing to build muscle as it helps to burn fat faster. This increases your metabolism, which is what every one who goes on a diet or weight loss program needs to do. Avoid the fad diets or weight loss programs as they can lead to you burning muscle tissue which is very bad. Last of all remember that you did not gain this weight over night and to lose it on any diet or weight loss program will not happen over night
Author:Mark Lockwood
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