4 Mental Keys to Burning Fat

Do you know what the best way start losing weight is? It is to start losing it in your head. And I'm not trying to say you have a fat head either! What I am referring to is your mental referencing towards losing weight.

You see, here is what happens, your thoughts become actions and your actions become habits. So a thought like, "I'll never lose my stubborn body fat!" will lead you to not even trying to exercise, which will become a habit and next thing you know you haven't burned any fat at all!

As with any long-term goal, like losing weight, it is important to have a flexible approach and a stead fast goal like being at a certain weight. That way if you can see when something isn't working you can always change what isn't working. Basically what I am saying is this, don't marry the method, do what it takes to get it done.

Here are 4 mental shifts you can make right now:

Negative self talk

We have all had it, the little voice in the back of your head that says, "Don't work out, you've had a long day at work and you deserve a break." Thoughts like that are what destroy long-term weight loss results! If we listened to that little voice, those actions would eventually become habits. Here is the solution, replace that thought with a positive reinforcement like, "If I work out tonight, I'll have so much more energy!"

Expecting unrealistic results

With a loss of weight there will come a variety of changes in your life. However, you can't expect your life to be flipped on its head just because you have lost a bit of weight either! Let's be realistic, a loss of weight can't guarantee a better job or social life, but can go a long way in improving those areas.


In order to lose weight it isn't necessary to 'gung-ho' and quit all your unhealthy habits at once, as this can put real pressure on yourself! It's OK to treat yourself once in a while, but make sure you do because you are feeling happy and not sad.

All or nothing

We are all human, and everyone has slipped up on our diets in the past! (Yours truly included) But does that mean you have lost any chance to get to your perfect body weight? No, of course not, there is always another day when you will have a chance to improve your best!

It is so damn easy to sabotage yourself before you have even begun to start your weight loss journey! Just remember to be flexible in your approach and stead-fast in your goals. And if you make a mistake, there is always another day.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9621954

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