Exercises and Workouts - Four Smart Moves For A Faster Body

When most people hit the gym, they have goals in mind like improving their strength, burning fat, or increasing their muscularity. But what about speed? If you are an athlete or even if you are just an everyday individual, improving your speed should be a goal no matter what gym routine you go through or which sport you play.

What do you need to do to become faster? What type of speed training should you perform? Let us give you the best exercises to use if this happens to be your goal.

1. Tempo Leg Press. The tempo leg press is an excellent exercise to do to build speed and power in your lower body. What you will do here is perform a regular standard leg press rather than using 3-seconds to lift, a 1-second pause and 3-seconds to lower tempo. You will press up the weight as fast as you can, and you will find this is what will build you high power and speed.

Then slowly lower the weight, so you still get strength gains on the eccentric.

2. Interval Sprints. Interval sprints are next on the list of things to consider adding to your workout routine. You will want to have tremendous cardiovascular conditioning to be as fast as possible, and these will get you to that point.

Interval sprints are all about speed, so it is training for your goal. Always opt for interval sprints over steady state cardio training.

3. Medicine Ball Throw. Another interesting exercise to put into your workout routine is a medicine ball throw. Toss a heavy medicine ball against a wall as hard as you possibly can. Doing this is useful for developing upper body speed because you will have to accelerate quite rapidly with the ball to move it across the room.

Just watch you do not use such a heavy medicine ball it becomes impossible to throw it across. It needs to be heavy, but reasonable.

4. Burpees. Finally, add some burpees to your training routine. This plyometric exercise is going to be ideal for helping to stimulate the fast twitch muscle fibers in your body, which will then be used to help you push through any weight you are lifting, or movement pattern you might be using.

If you focus on incorporating at least one, if not all of these four exercises in your workout routine, you will be on route to seeing noticeable changes in your speed capabilities.

Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine - include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9958817

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