Weekend Nightmares With Food

Weekend Food Focus

How did your weekend go? Had any nightmares with food? Is it a tricky time when you are trying to stick to your resolutions for a happier, healthier life? I know I have had many weekend nightmares where my focus and determination comes unstuck.

This weekend could have been the same as many in my past where I regret my choices with food and exercise (or lack of it). I had friends over for dinner which is always an opportunity to overeat. So what was different? Firstly I have decided not to see food as my enemy. The reality is that food is neither 'good' nor 'bad' it is just fuel for our body. Our culture has demonised food. Every week there are articles telling contradictory stories as to which foods are 'bad' or 'good' for us. What a nightmare!

What on earth are we supposed to believe? The answer is to believe in yourself. By that, I mean your deep intuition. Our bodies are all different and we instinctively know what foods work best for us if we only listen to them. The trouble is we are too busy listening to all the critical, self-judging thoughts that fill our minds most of the time. This sets up a vicious circle of nightmares with food that are hard to get out of. It fuels our 'Not Good Enough' beliefs, increases our stress levels and leads us back into our comfort eating. (Watch out for a future blog about how to quieten the 'Negative Natterer inside our minds)

Food That Love Me

My decision therefore was to cook food I love and that loves me. By that I mean the food that makes my body feel energised and not tired and sluggish. During the day I ate sensibly - fresh fruit for breakfast and home made vegetable soup for lunch. Usually, when I know I am going to 'cheat' in the evening I find myself in rebellion mode and eat, from breakfast onwards, the foods I have been denying myself.

This time it was different because I am no longer demonising food and totally denying myself the ones I would normally restrict - carbs, fats and sweet foods. By thinking about how different foods make me feel and their effect on my body - giving me indigestion or making my joints very stiff and painful - it is easy to make healthier choices. Even when planning the menu for my dinner party it was so easy to choose a sensible balanced meal of Terrine of Chicken, Salmon En-cruet and fresh fruit salad. It was yummy!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9572788

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