Weight Loss - Recording Your Weight Loss Progress

Measuring and recording your weight loss progress is a useful trick to boost your efforts...

it gives you the motivation to stick to your plan.
it is a form of feedback and provides motivation, which is vital for long-term success.
it is also a handy way to keep yourself accountable.If you weigh yourself frequently, you will be more inclined to stick to your diet or habits you have developed to encourage weight loss. Nobody wants to see negative results, so if you make it a habit of stepping on the scale often, you will be more likely to discipline yourself during the more difficult times.

Now, there are many ways to approach how you will record your progress. You can be religious about it, or somewhat relaxed. Ideally, you will find a balance, because leaning towards one way or the other could do more harm than good. Being too meticulous about your means of recording is likely to cause frustration, mental fatigue, and potential burnout. Whereas not paying any attention to detail and being lackadaisical would be counterintuitive to the purpose in the first place.

The two methods you ought to use when recording your progress is...

measuring your body weight, and
counting your calorie intake.Measuring your body weight is the most common way to check your progress, as it is a reliable (although not perfect) manner of measuring the results of your efforts. While counting your calories is not directly a way of recording your progress, it positively contributes. What we mean is it is the caloric deficit you create through your food choices that allows weight loss to occur, and will almost certainly require fine adjustments as you proceed to ensure you continue to lose weight.

Primarily, you might as well record your caloric intake as you record your progress because it will facilitate how much weight your lose.

Remember, you do not have to be overly meticulous. What does this mean? It means you do not need to step on the scale every day, or count every calorie (nor should you). But weighing yourself weekly (first thing in the morning on the same day each week) and counting your calories with reasonable accuracy is going to provide essential feedback.

If you are not making any or enough progress from week to week on the scales, then take a look at your calories. If your estimation is reasonably accurate, you will have to decrease your total intake a bit further. Subtracting 200 from your daily calorie intake is sustainable and enough to cause change.

Regarding your weight, make sure you are recording your weekly numbers in a notebook or document. It is crucial to have a log so you can see the progress you are making and eventually, how far you have come. Nothing is more motivating than seeing your efforts are paying off.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9911495

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